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Showing posts from March 31, 2024

PBS script for Gaussian Calculations on HPC Systems

  Creating a PBS script A PBS script is a text file that contains the information that PBS needs to set up the job, followed by the commands to be executed.  In the PBS script, the lines beginning with “#PBS” are PBS directives that specify the resource requirements and various other attributes of the job. Note that the directives must come first in the script as any directives after the first executable statement are ignored. Since the R program we will be running doesn't require any interaction, we want to submit the job to the batch queue. In this example, the job we will be running has the following requirements: ·         the job will need 1 node, 10 processors and 64 GB of RAM ·         the job will not require more than 48 hours to complete ·         the name of the job will be 'myscript', with the output written to myscript.out and errors written to myscript.err...