Auroville, also known as the "City of Dawn," is an experimental town in Pondicherry, India. Founded by Sri Aurobindo in the late 1960s, Auroville is a unique and fascinating destination that attracts visitors worldwide. One of the main attractions of Auroville is the Matrimandir, a large golden dome that serves as the town's spiritual center. Visitors can take a guided tour of the Matrimandir, which includes a visit to the meditation hall inside the dome. The Matrimandir is surrounded by lush gardens, making it a perfect spot for meditation and relaxation. Another must-see attraction in Auroville is the Visitors Center, where visitors can learn about the history and mission of Auroville. The center also offers a variety of workshops and lectures on various topics, such as yoga, meditation, and sustainable living. Auroville is also famous for its eco-friendly and sustainable living practices. Visitors can learn about and experience the various sustainable practices...
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