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Showing posts with the label Gaussian Common Errors

Gaussian Common Errors and Solutions

  Gaussian Common Errors and Solutions Link Error Message L1 ntrex1 Illegal ITpye or MSType generated by parse QPErr L101 End of file in Zsymb Found a string as input There are no atoms in this input structure Symbol not found in Z-matrix Variable index is out of range (Case 1) Variable index is out of range (Case 2) Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol L103 Error imposing constraints FormBX had a problem Maximum of*** iterations exceeded in RedStp Linear search skipped for unknown reason Inconsistency: ModMin= N Eigenvalue= MM L108 Variable has invalid number of steps L114 Error in INITNF L123 Delta-x Convergence NOT Met GS2 Optimization Failure L202 Problem with the distance matrix Atom too close Change in point group or standard orientation FO...