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IRC Calculation in Gaussian

 IRC (Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate) calculations in Gaussian are used to explore the reaction pathways of chemical reactions. They allow you to follow the path of the reaction from reactants to products, revealing important intermediates and transition states along the reaction coordinate. Here's how you can perform IRC calculations in Gaussian:

  1. Performing the Reaction Coordinate Scan: Before running the IRC calculation, you typically perform a single-point energy calculation or a geometry optimization at each point along the reaction coordinate. This involves scanning the reaction coordinate by varying the geometry of the system along the desired direction.
  2. Specify the IRC Keyword: To request an IRC calculation in Gaussian, you need to include the "IRC" keyword in your input file. This tells Gaussian to perform the IRC calculation starting from a specified transition state or reaction intermediate.
  3. Transition State Optimization: If you're starting from a transition state, it's essential to optimize the geometry to locate the transition state accurately. This optimization can be performed using methods such as the transition state search algorithms (e.g., the Berny algorithm) implemented in Gaussian.
  4. Input Example: Here's an example of how you might set up a Gaussian input file for an IRC calculation:

#P B3LYP/6-31G(d) IRC=(MaxPoints=50,CalcAll,Forward,Restart,RCFC) Geom=AllCheck




Charge Multiplicity

Initial geometry (reactant or transition state)


In this example:

    • #P specifies the job type and level of theory.
    • B3LYP/6-31G(d) specifies the method and basis set.
    • IRC= indicates that an IRC calculation is requested, and various options are specified within parentheses:
    • MaxPoints=50: Specifies the maximum number of points to be calculated along the IRC path.
    • CalcAll: Calculates all points along the IRC, including the forward and backward directions.
    • Forward: Indicates that the calculation should proceed in the forward direction from the starting geometry.
    • Restart: Allows for restarting the IRC calculation if needed.
    • RCFC: Requests re-evaluation of force constants at each step.
    • Geom=AllCheck: Specifies that all atoms should be included in the IRC calculation.
    • Title, Charge, Multiplicity, and Initial geometry are placeholders for your job title, molecular charge, spin multiplicity, and initial geometry (either reactant or transition state).
  1. Run Gaussian: After setting up your input file, you can run Gaussian as usual using your preferred method.
  2. Analyze Results: Once the IRC calculation is complete, Gaussian will generate output files containing the IRC pathway, including structures and energies at different points along the reaction coordinate. You can analyze these results to understand the reaction mechanism, identify intermediates, and verify the transition state structure.

By following these steps, you can perform IRC calculations in Gaussian to explore reaction pathways and gain insights into chemical reactions' mechanisms.



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