In Gaussian, NBO (Natural Bond Orbital) calculations are used to analyze the bonding patterns within molecules based on their electronic structure. NBO analysis provides insights into the nature of chemical bonding, including the characterization of bond types, lone pairs, and delocalization effects. Here's how you can perform an NBO calculation in Gaussian:
Specify the NBO Keyword:
To request NBO analysis in Gaussian, you need to include the "NBO" keyword in your input file. This instructs Gaussian to perform the NBO calculation as part of the electronic structure calculation.
Perform an Electronic Structure Calculation:
Before running the NBO analysis, you typically perform an electronic structure calculation (e.g., Hartree-Fock, DFT, MP2, etc.) to obtain the molecular orbitals and electron density. The type of calculation you choose depends on your specific research question or the level of theory appropriate for your system.
Input Example:
Here's an example of how you might set up a Gaussian input file for an NBO calculation:
Copy code
#N B3LYP/6-31G(d) Pop=NBO
Charge Multiplicity
Atom1 x1 y1 z1
Atom2 x2 y2 z2
In this example:
#N indicates that NBO analysis is requested.
B3LYP/6-31G(d) specifies the level of theory and basis set for the electronic structure calculation. You can replace this with your desired method and basis set.
Pop=NBO specifies that NBO population analysis should be performed to obtain natural atomic charges, bond orders, and other relevant quantities.
Title is a placeholder for your job title or description.
Charge and Multiplicity indicate the charge and spin multiplicity of your molecule.
AtomX xX yX zX represent the atomic symbols and Cartesian coordinates of your molecule's atoms. Replace AtomX with the appropriate atomic symbol and xX, yX, zX with the corresponding coordinates.
Run Gaussian:
After setting up your input file, you can run Gaussian using your preferred method (e.g., command line, GaussView interface, etc.). Gaussian will perform the electronic structure calculation followed by the NBO analysis.
Output Analysis:
Once the calculation is complete, you can analyze the output files generated by Gaussian. The NBO analysis results, including natural atomic charges, bond orders, second-order perturbation theory (NBOs), and other NBO-related quantities, will be provided in the output file.
By following these steps, you can perform NBO calculations in Gaussian to gain insights into the bonding patterns and electronic structure of molecules.
Is it OK to do NBO analysis on a single point energy calculated structure which has been obtained directly from a single crystal X-ray structure?